Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road Structures (Agenda item 7)


The Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure introduced the report. He reported that the downhill section of the Southern Link Road between Norton and Whittington was now open in both directions. The uphill section remained a single lane due to work taking place over night. Two lanes in both directions should be open soon. Due to the absence of the proposed bridges, the temporary pedestrian crossing would remain in situ for the time-being. 


The Broomhalll Way Footbridge would enable access from the proposed new housing developments for cyclists and pedestrians as well as providing a mobility access. The bridge would be funded through a 106 agreement with the developer. The Crookberrow Way Footbridge would provide an important link from the town to the west for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders towards the Worcestershire Parkway Station. The timescale for the completion of the structure was 18 months which would be in advance of the completion of the housing developments.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:


·         A local member from outside the Cabinet expressed concern about the safety of pedestrians at the crossing point on the Norton roundabout on the eastern bound carriageway, given the speed of vehicles at that point. He also queried whether the points of access for the Broomhall Way footbridge were in a suitably convenient place

·         The Leader of the Council emphasised the improved connectivity with the Worcestershire Parkway Station as a result of the completion of the Crookberrow Way footbridge. The bridge would allow cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders to cross the link road safely 

·         The Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure indicated that it was not practicable to expect pedestrians to cross three lanes of traffic. It therefore seemed sensible to provide a central reservation for pedestrians crossing the link road at the Norton Roundabout especially given the speed of traffic at this point

·         The Leader of the Council emphasised the importance of forward funding this project through cashflow to avoid unnecessary delays waiting for the funding streams to become available.     


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


a)    recommends to Council that £3.5m of funding necessary to complete the Broomhall Way Footbridge is allocated to the Southern Link Road Phase 3 Dualling Project with funding ultimately being received from developers' s.106 contributions and that the Capital Programme is updated accordingly;


b)    authorised the submission of a planning application for the construction of the Broomhall Way Footbridge and the completion of any public engagement that is necessary regarding the proposals;


c)    authorised the expenditure of the allocated funding to enable the delivery of the Broomhall Way Footbridge;


d)    delegated authority to the Director of Economy and Infrastructure to finalise and award contracts and other necessary agreements for the delivery and future maintenance of the Broomhall Way Footbridge, and authorised the acquisition by the Director of Commercial and Commissioning of any land or rights over such land as are necessary to put the above into effect;


e)    recommends to full Council that the £3.5m necessary to complete the Crookbarrow Way Footbridge and Upper Battenhall Farm Accommodation Bridge is provisionally allocated to the Southern Link Road Project and that the Capital Programme be updated accordingly, and to vire £0.5m from existing allocations within the Capital Programme; and


f)     delegated authority to the Director of Economy and Infrastructure to finalise and award contracts and other necessary agreements for the delivery and future maintenance of the Crookbarrow Way Footbridge and Upper Battenhall Farm Accommodation Bridge subject to a suitable funding strategy being approved by the Chief Finance Officer as soon as practicable in consultation with the Leader and the Director of Economy and Infrastructure.

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