Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Role and Remits


The Board was asked to:


·       Consider the aims of overview and scrutiny and note its remit;

·       Note the remits of each Overview and Scrutiny Panel;

·       Designate one Member as the lead member for Crime and Disorder matters; and

·       Agree whether consideration of the Children and Young People's Plan 2017-21 should be delegated to the Children and Families Overview & Scrutiny Panel.


Aims of Overview and Scrutiny Overview and Scrutiny Panel Remits


The Board was reminded that the aims and key roles of overview and scrutiny had been considered 4 years ago and were set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Agenda Report and that those Members who were Panel Chairmen would be expected to feedback on the work of their Panels at Board meetings.


Members were invited to consider the remits of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels and comment as necessary. 


The Board confirmed that it was content with the aims of Overview and Scrutiny and the remit of the Board and its Committee and Panels as detailed in the Agenda Report.


However, concern was expressed at the length of time taken by previous Task Groups in carrying out in-depth Scrutiny and whether the resources available to Scrutiny were sufficient.  In response, it was suggested that as well as being resource issues on occasions, some delays were due to Member and Officer availability to attend meetings and visits.


Crime and Disorder


The OSPB was the County Council's designated Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee and was required to meet at least annually to discuss issues relating to crime and disorder.  District Councils in the County also had Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committees which carried out more in-depth scrutiny of the work of the Community Safety Partnerships.


The Police and Crime Commissioner and the West Mercia Police and Crime Panel had brought an added dimension to the situation.  The OSPB would look to work with Worcestershire's representative on the Police and Crime Panel and would develop this relationship over time (although the OSPB had no power to scrutinise the Police and Crime Commissioner himself).


Previously, to avoid duplication, the OSPB had adopted a 'light touch' approach to scrutiny of crime and disorder and had designated one member of the Board as Lead Member for crime and disorder matters.


It was agreed that Councillor Paul Middlebrough should act as Lead Member for Crime and Disorder.  He was asked to consider ideas for future scrutiny and report back to the Board in due course.


It was suggested that consideration be given to holding the Annual Crime & Disorder Meeting at the 7 September OSPB.


Children and Young People's Plan 2017-2021


A new Children and Young People's Plan for 2017-2021 was currently being developed.  According to the Council's constitution, the OSPB would receive, comment and advise on the Plan as part of the Council's policy framework.  It would then be signed off by the Health and Well-Being Board and Cabinet in July, before being agreed by Council in September.


In previous years, consideration of the Children and Young People's Plan had been undertaken by the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Panel (or predecessor body), under delegation from the OSPB.  Members of the OSPB agreed that they were content for the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Panel to consider the Plan at its meeting on 21 June 2017 and forward any comments to the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Children and Families.

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