Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Future Operating Model: Directorate Structures (Agenda item 7(b))


The Council had before it a report setting out the proposed structural changes consequent upon the decision set out in Minute Number 1557 above.


The report set out in detail that there would need to be some structural changes within Directorates to implement the Future Operating Model already agreed by the Council.  The report proposed that the three strategic commissioning, frontline Directorate structures (Business, Environment and Community, Children's Services, Adult Services and Health) should remain, but a number of functions within these directorates would change.  This would mean that a small number of specific roles would need to be considered for deletion with new ones created. 


The report set out that to reflect the new operating model, the current Resources Directorate and Chief Executive's Unit be replaced by a new Commercial and Change Directorate. This would mean the deletion of both the Assistant Chief Executive post and the Director of Resources post, and the creation of a new Director post in order to better deliver the Future Operating Model.


The report outlined a number of proposed changes relating to specific directorates.




The Council would be updating joint commissioning with the NHS to reflect the developing plans for integration of health and adult social care, the development of the Well Connected programme and to ensure consistency with the Council's emerging operating model.


The report set out that this would include:


·         Working with local NHS towards further integration of health and adult social care.

·         Discussions at the Health and Wellbeing Board concerning the development of a bigger pooled commission budget and appropriate governance arrangements to support the Well Connected programme

·         Integrated commissioning of health and social care  becoming increasingly important as a step towards pooling budgets

·         The need to strengthen capacity and capability which could include the merging of Joint Commissioning and Well Connected functions and resources, placing professional management of contracting staff through to a corporate centre and transferring children's commissioning back to Children's Services.


These proposals were currently being discussed with relevant staff and a further report to the Appointments Etc Panel detailing the structural changes within DASH would be submitted as necessary in the autumn. 




The BEC Directorate would need to make a number of  changes to ensure the role of strategic commissioner was clear and effective.   Therefore it was proposed that the current Heads of Services posts within BEC, be deleted and 3 new posts created : Head of Strategy and Infrastructure, Strategic Commissioner - Major Projects, and Head of Community and Environmental Services, all under the Director's leadership.  These proposals were explained later in the report and it was recommended that the Appointments Etc Panel consider and determine these proposals and their detailed implementation following any necessary consultation.


The new structure would better reflect the Council's emerging operating model and provide clarity on the commissioning lead within the Directorate. It would also provide for a more coherent approach to the development and delivery of the Council's strategic infrastructure priorities whilst focussing community service provision into one operational area. 


Further, given the priority of both highways and economic development in the Corporate Plan, the new structure would see each Head of Service owning an element of these themes.  The strategy for economic development adopted by the Council was based around three core components contained within the Open for Business strategic overview. The investment in the fundamentals component (infrastructure and skills) would remain in BEC across the three Heads of Service.  The reputation and profile component would be owned by the corporate centre to reflect its political importance in raising the recognition of the county and Worcestershire County Council nationally.  The service transformation component, which related to the impact the Council has on the county's economy when procuring goods and services, will belong to the new Commercial and Change Directorate.


Children's Services (ChS) 


To reflect the commissioning of Learning and Achievement Services and the required level of transformational change, it was proposed that the current post; Head of Learning & Achievement be deleted, and a new post; Strategic Commissioner – Education Services be created.




The report suggested that with the introduction of the Future Operating Model it was timely to ensure the alignment of skills and structures to the new way of working in delivering corporate priorities. It was proposed that a new Commercial and Change Directorate would bring together the functions set out in the report from the Resources Directorate and Chief Executive's Unit respectively. This would build on the strong senior manager skills and capabilities in the organisation, but ensure that new skills required for the future are at the heart of the Directorate; working intimately with the frontline Directorates to ensure best outcomes and value for the county's residents.


This Commercial and Change Directorate would replace the current Resources Directorate and Chief Executive's Unit. As a consequence, the post of Assistant Chief Executive would be deleted (delivering a net saving of £50,000 per annum) the post of Director of Resources would be deleted, and a new post of Director of Commercial and Change created. 


The new Commercial and Change Directorate would be key in ensuring the translation of commissioning outcomes in supporting the 'Open for Business' priority and in driving change across the organisation.  It would include the following functions:


·         Legal and Democratic (Head of Service)

·         Commercial Management

·         Performance Management

·         HR and Organisational Development (Head of Service)

·         Systems and Customer Access (Head of Service)

·         Property (Head of Service) up until the functions transferred to the proposed JPV.


Given the financial challenges and desire to improve the profile and reputation of the county, it was proposed  that the Finance function be headed by a Head of Service carrying out the role of Chief Financial Officer (also known as the Section 151 officer), and the management of the Finance function.  This Head of Service and the Manager of 'Research, Marketing and Programmes' (due to the responsibility for reputation and communications), would report directly to the Chief Executive.   Regardless of a separate reporting line, it was fully anticipated that these functions would work alongside the other commissioning support functions within the Commercial and Change Directorate.


It was likely that as the Council progressed towards a Joint Property Vehicle the Head of Property Services role would be reviewed.


The report concluded by stating that Council was being asked to delegate any consequent staffing changes arising from the above to a future Appointments Etc Panel.  The Appointments Etc Panel would be convened to consider the details of any changes to Director or Head of Service posts consequential to the Council's decision on the Future Operating Model and the structural changes contained in the report.  


A discussion ensued during which the following principal points were made:


·         The restructuring proposals were no reflection on the individuals concerned, but related to the most appropriate structure


·         some members commented that the savings outlined appeared to be quite low given the changes being proposed.  Other members suggested that taxpayers would benefit from the Council's commissioning approach and its focus on the right service at the right price;


·         some members suggested the amount of detail contained in the report was insufficient for the Council to make an informed decision and the delegation of all these matters to the Appointments Etc Panel was disenfranchising a large proportion of the Council;


·         it was also suggested that the rate of change and the pace of reform were in danger of leaving the Council in the position of acting before due and proper consideration had been given to all the matters involved with the proposals.  Other members reiterated that only by this speedy response could the Council achieve the best outcomes for residents.




(a)   the changes to  Directorate structures as set out in paragraph 1 of the report be approved so as to retain the three strategic commissioning frontline Directorates structures (Business, Environment and Community, Children's Services, Adult Services and Health);


(b)  the current Resources Directorate and Chief Executive's Unit be replaced by a new Commercial and Change Directorate (with the consequent deletion of the Assistant Chief Executive post and the Director of Resources post) as set out in paragraph 12 of the report;


(c)   the Chief Executive be authorised to continue all necessary staff consultations in relation to the proposed  changes as set out in the report;


(d)  the Appointments Etc Panel be authorised to take all appropriate decisions in relation to  the proposed changes (including the proposed deletion, and creation of, Head of Service posts and appointments thereto,  and the appointment of the Director of Commercial and Change); and


(e)   the Appointments Etc Panel be authorised to designate one of the Finance Head of Service posts as the Council's Chief Financial Officer and appoint thereto.