Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Part-retrospective application for proposed materials recovery plant to process road sweepings and highway drainage clearance material on land at Station House, Saltway, Hanbury, Worcestershire (Agenda item 6)


The Committee considered a part-retrospective application for a proposed materials recovery plant to process road sweepings and highway drainage clearance material on Land at Station House, Saltway, Hanbury, Worcestershire.


The report set out the background of the proposal, the proposal itself, the relevant planning policy and details of the site, consultations and representations.


The report set out the Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy's comments in relation to the waste hierarchy, location of the development, the Green Belt, the local economy, landscape character and appearance of the local area, residential amenities (including noise and dust emissions), ecology and biodiversity, the water environment, traffic and highways safety, and pollution control.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy concluded that the proposed development contributed to the delivery of sustainable development by recovering waste materials and, therefore, driving waste management up the waste hierarchy.


The application site was located in Level 5 of the Geographic Waste Hierarchy. In accordance with Policy WCS 3 of the Waste Core Strategy, the Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy considered that the proposed location was appropriate.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy had considered the applicant's very special circumstances in attempt to overcome Green Belt restrictions, however, he did not consider that the applicant had demonstrated very special circumstances that outweigh the potential harm to the Green Belt. In particular, the applicant had given no locational reason as to why the plant needed to be located on this site within the Green Belt and would not maintain the openness of the Green Belt.


The proposal was, therefore, considered to be contrary to Section 9 ("Protecting Green Belt Land") of the National Planning Policy Framework; Policy WCS 13 of the Worcestershire Waste Core Strategy and Policy SWDP 2 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy considered that the proposal would promote continuation of employment opportunities and was, therefore, in accordance with Policy SWDP 12 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy was satisfied that the proposed development would be well screened from public view and would not have any adverse impact on the landscape character of the area in accordance with Policy SWDP25 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. 


Given the separation and vegetation buffer between the neighbouring residential properties and the application site, the Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy did not consider that that the proposed development would have any adverse impact on residential amenities in accordance with Policy WCS14 of the Worcestershire Waste Core Strategy and Policy 31 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy was satisfied that the proposal would not have any adverse impact on ecology and biodiversity in accordance with Policy SWDP 22 of the South Worcestershire Development plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy was satisfied that the proposed development would not have any adverse impact on the water environment in accordance with Policy SWDP 29 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy was satisfied that the proposal would not have any adverse impact on traffic and highways safety and was, therefore, in accordance with Policy SWDP 4 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


The Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy was satisfied that the proposal would not have implications for the bank's integrity and, therefore, would not have detrimental impacts on the environment and human health in accordance with Policy SWDP31 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan, subject to a condition recommended by the Pollution Control Team requesting the completion of the works to shore up the bank all along the boundary with the adjacent closed landfill site, should planning permission be granted.


In the ensuing debate, the following principal points were raised:


·         Had an Environmental Permit been applied for? The representative of the Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy advised that the applicant had an Environmental permit for waste management operations which protected human health and the environment from pollution. However the applicant had not yet applied to the EA for a Permit

·         There were a lot of positive aspects regarding this application. The applicant had demonstrated that the proposal would help to drive waste up the waste management hierarchy. There were very few objections to it and most of the statutory consultees were satisfied with it. The facility was already in situ in the Green Belt, performing an essential function in the County as well as creating 16 jobs. If the facility was not granted permission on this location, it would need to be located elsewhere potentially nearer to residential properties or would cease to operate. Special circumstances had therefore been demonstrated and permission should be granted

·         The proposal was contrary to the policies in the NPPF and the SWDP. In addition, Wychavon District Council had objected to the proposal. The applicant had not provided special reasons for locating this facility in the Green Belt. The facility could be located elsewhere and continue to operate effectively. Permission should therefore be refused

·         In response to a concern expressed about the possibility of losing an appeal against a decision to refuse, the representative of the Head of Strategic Infrastructure and Economy commented that he was confident that the arguments put forward to support refusal of the application, based on the policies set out in the NPPF and the SWDP would be defendable at an appeal.


RESOLVED that planning permission be refused for the part-retrospective application for a proposed materials recovery plant to process road sweepings and highway drainage clearance material on Land at Station House, Saltway, Hanbury, Worcestershire, for the following reason:


The proposal is considered to be inappropriate development and accordingly harmful to the Green Belt contrary to Section 9 ("Protecting Green Belt Land") of the National Planning Policy Framework; Policy WCS 13 of the Worcestershire Waste Core Strategy and Policy SWDP 2 of the South Worcestershire Development Plan.


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