Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Member Update and Cabinet Forward Plan


The Overview and Scrutiny Performance Board (OSPB) was asked to:


a)    Receive an update on emerging issues and developments within the particular remit of each Member of the OSPB, including an update on each Overview and Scrutiny Panel

b)    Consider the Council's latest Forward Plan in order to identify:

·         any items that it would wish to consider further at a future meeting; and

·         Any items that it would wish to refer to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panel for further consideration.


The Board received the following updates:


Adult Care and Well-being Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Panel when they met on 11 November looked at the Corporate Strategy Planning proposals for the Adult Services Directorate. They agreed to look at the proposals in further detail and talk to user groups and social workers with a view to reporting back their findings to the OSPB in January 2015.


Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel had not met since the previous Board meeting and so there was no update to report. 


Economy, Environment and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Integrated Waste Joint Scrutiny Task Group was ongoing and the Panel would be looking at the Sustainable Transport Policy at its next meeting, whilst maintaining a continuing interest in flooding, highways and the BT Broadband Contract.


At its September Meeting, the Panel received an update on the challenges facing the Trading Standards Service.  There were some concerns about the potential risks of reducing funding, including impacts on capacity and effectiveness, the Panel would continue to monitor this.


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC)


Over the previous year, the HOSC had been looking at the "Well Connected Programme".  This had however, been overtaken by concerns about the impact on Worcestershire residents following the University Hospital Birmingham (UHB)  temporary embargo on non-Birmingham residents being referred to UHB for some treatments and was discussed by HOSC at its meeting on 5 November 2014.


The HOSC was planning to focus on Mental Health issues at its next meeting and over the coming year and would also keep a watching brief on the Re-commissioning of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Contract and The Care Act.


Localism and Communities


The Archives and Archaeology Scrutiny Task Group was on-going. 


Forward Plan


It was agreed that the Economy, Environment and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel would monitor developments in relation to Worcestershire Parkway Regional Interchange.


A question was asked at the last meeting about whether any indication had been received from the main operator on this line as to whether high speed trains would stop at Worcestershire Parkway.  The Chairman of the Economy, Environment and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel confirmed that it was the intention that high speed trains would stop at the station. 


Other issues for possible scrutiny to be considered as part of the Work Programme were:


·         Worcestershire Citizen's Advice Bureau

·         Update on the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Plan (LEP)

·         The role of the Lord lieutenant and High Sheriff in Worcestershire

·         Federation of Small Businesses


The Board adjourned from 10.20am-10.30am.