Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: County Hall, Worcester

Contact: Emma James / Jo Weston  Overview and Scrutiny Officers

No. Item


Apologies and Welcome


A minute’s silence was held in memory of Councillor Peter Griffiths who had sadly passed away.


Apologies had been received from Cllrs Adrian Kriss, Jo Monk and the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Health and Well being, Cllr Karen May.


Declarations of Interest and of any Party Whip




Public Participation




Confirmation of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Previously circulated


The Minutes of the Meetings held on 13 November and 7 December 2023 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Health and Care System Plans to Reduce Inappropriate Admissions to Hospital pdf icon PDF 123 KB

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The Managing Director of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (HWICB) introduced the Item by reporting that the winter period was extremely challenging for the whole health and social care system.  A lot of work had already been undertaken and there was confidence that the current pathways were appropriate to the needs of Worcestershire residents.  Furthermore, the County benchmarked well against other areas for Emergency Department (ED) attendance, at 88.1% per 100,000 population compared to 114% nationally.  Across both the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System (ICS), and Worcestershire separately, work was ongoing to support the whole system to keep residents out of hospital, especially the frail elderly.


The Director of Intermediate & Urgent Care from Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (HWHCT) added that although there was a lot of focus on Urgent and Emergency Care and hospital care, there had been an increase in pre-hospital activity to help with admission avoidance and also post hospital activity, such as rehabilitation.  Reference was made to the work of the Home First Committee, as it was proven that home was best for patients.  Activity, such as Virtual Wards, Urgent Community Response and Neighbourhood Teams was also highlighted from the Agenda Report.  


In the ensuing discussion, the following key points were made:


·       The definition of an inappropriate admission was someone who could have been supported in their own home

·       Clarification was given that Virtual Wards, also known as hospital at home, were not physical wards.  Patients were cared for in their own home with senior clinical oversight and if required, there was rapid access to services such as diagnostic testing, blood tests or x-rays.  There were daily ward rounds and weekly multidisciplinary team meetings.  In Wyre Forest District Council area, there was a ‘step up’ frailty virtual ward with 12 beds.  At the time of the meeting, all 12 beds were occupied and 18 patients had been supported during the Christmas period.  A second virtual ward in the south of the County was being developed and in the longer term it was hoped that there would be equity across Worcestershire for frailty provision

·       Virtual Ward staff had overcome challenges with digital access and technology and could see the benefit to patients. However, one emerging issue was the risk of too many companies involved in the provision and HWICB was working with other Health Trusts to find one solution. Other challenges had been engagement with clinicians and the ability to retrieve equipment once no longer required.  Equipment was supplied and monitoring, such as blood pressure or temperature, was undertaken as appropriate.  The service was supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and face to face visits to patients could be up to 4 times in a day.  Any patient alert would go through to the Urgent Community Response Hub for action

·       Home visits were still important, not only to assess the patient, but also assess their surroundings and staff were very alert to any safeguarding concerns

·       When asked whether  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1179.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 87 KB

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The HOSC considered the Work Programme and agreed to schedule an update on Community Pharmacies and an update on Maternity Services.