Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: County Hall, Worcester

Contact: Nichola Garner  Committee and Appellate Officer


No. Item

Available Papers

The Members had before them:


A.         The Agenda papers (previously circulated);


B.         The Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 25 September 2014 (previously circulated);


(A copy of document A will be attached to the signed Minutes).

Additional documents:

Mr S E Geraghty, Vice-Chairman in the Chair


Apologies and Declarations of Interest (Agenda item 1)

Additional documents:


An apology for absence was received from Mr A I Hardman (Chairman).


Mrs L C Hodgson declared an Other Disclosable Interest in agenda item 4 'Delivering the Corporate Plan – Future Fit Update' as a Trustee of St Paul's Hostel due to 'Second Chance Furnishings' being a Social Enterprise Company established by the charity.


The Monitoring Officer advised Cabinet Members that the Code of Conduct did not require Members of other public authorities to declare that membership unless conflict is so significant it is seen as likely to prejudice judgement of the public interest.  It was a personal judgement for the individual member to declare if they considered that the test was met but he was not advising them to do so in relation to the Council Welfare Provision Grant under Agenda Item 7 'Resources Report'.


Public Participation (Agenda item 2)

Members of the public wishing to take part should notify the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in writing or by e-mail indicating both the nature and content of their proposed participation no later than 9.00am on the working day before the meeting (in this case Wednesday, 15 October 2014).  Further details are available on the Council's website.  Enquiries can also be made through the telephone number/e-mail address listed below.

Additional documents:




Confirmation of the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2014 (Agenda item 3)

The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2014 have been previously circulated.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  that the Minutes of the Cabinet held on 25 September 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Delivering the Corporate Plan - FutureFit Update (Agenda item 4) pdf icon PDF 304 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the delivery of the Corporate Plan which included an update on the FutureFit initiative.  The report set out the details considered by Cabinet and the reasons for the decision including:


·         the key transformational programmes for 2015/16

·         the responses from residents, businesses and staff to the Council's programme of communications and engagement

·         key developments in relation to the Council's Corporate Plan priorities

·         progress in relation to the new Operating Model approved by Full Council in May 2014

·         progress to date in terms of the delivery of savings and recent successes in terms of delivering better outcomes

·         a review of the Medium Term Financial Plan

·         the programme proposals following Corporate Strategic Planning

·         potential risks to the delivery of the transformational programme

·         the next steps in terms of the programme of communications and engagement

·         the Council's duties in relation to the Equality Act 2010.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:


(a)        Since 2011/12 the Council had delivered savings of £76.4m and by the end of 2014/15 around £90m savings were due to have been delivered.  Of the £27m savings required in 2015/16, there were proposals in place to deliver £22m; work was continuing to identify the £5m shortfall.


(b)        2015/16 would be a year when the transformational change within the Council would become visible and tangible.  The changes had been in line with delivering the three priorities identified by the public - maintenance of the highway, protecting vulnerable young people, and protecting vulnerable older people.  The changes would also take account of the three economic priorities identified by business of - supporting the growth of existing businesses, infrastructure improvements, and looking at possible financial incentives.  Additionally, the delivery of projects within the Strategic Economic Plan was considered key to the County's economic prosperity as was the WorldClass Worcestershire initiative.  The economic prosperity of the county, delivered through the Open for Business priority, was key.


(c)        The work of the staff was appreciated and especially as it was acknowledged that they continued to work in a challenging environment.


(d)        In order to deliver the required savings for 2015/16 and beyond, difficult choices and decisions would need to be made.  All Members were encouraged to engage in consideration of budget options and it was emphasised that all political groups and scrutiny members had the opportunity to contribute to discussions around the budget and to put forward alternative proposals in advance of the Council budget-setting meeting to be held in February 2015. 


(e)        The area of adult social care continued to embed changes following integration with health partners.  Further changes would be required in response to the Care Act 2014 due to new duties and additional responsibilities placed on local authorities.  Transformational programmes were being delivered within adult social care and initiatives such as the e-marketplace, would be rolled-out imminently.


(f)        It was highlighted that it was important to consider a range of blended options when looking at service delivery.  This approach was illustrated by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1623.


Fair Funding Consultation Outcomes 2015/16 National and Local Changes to the Funding Arrangements for Schools - Revisions to the new Local Funding Formula for Worcestershire Mainstream Schools (Agenda item 5)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the Department for Education (DfE) fair funding consultation for 2015/16.  The report set out the details considered by Cabinet and the reasons for the decision including:


·         the key issues contained within the consultation documentation

·         the background to Worcestershire's low funding position and education provision

·         the details of the consultation on the options for Worcestershire Local Schools Funding Formula for mainstream schools for 2015/16.  Six options were put forward for consideration

·         the recommended option and revisions to the Worcestershire Local Schools Funding Formula for mainstream schools for 2015/16.  After considering all the views expressed Option 6 had been recommended for approval

·         the Cabinet's response to the DfE consultation and its recommendations on the proposed formula model in the light of the feedback received to the consultation

·         the role of the Worcestershire Schools Forum and the outcomes of the consultation on the funding proposals.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:


(a)          The Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Children and Families advised that there would be no real movement in funding structures until after the new Parliament was elected.  Of the £390m made available by the DfE to increase the per pupil budgets of the 'least fairly funded local areas', £6.2m had been made available to Worcestershire schools.  Following consideration at the Worcestershire Schools Forum, 6 options for allocating the additional funds were consulted upon.  Option 6 scored highest across the schools which responded to the consultation and was supported by the Worcestershire Schools forum, it was the option in which the highest number of schools gained (80%) together with 78% of pupils.  The Council currently had the lowest lump sum amount nationally, and Option 6 brought the lump sums more in line with the national averages.


 (b)       Whilst the additional £6.2m was welcomed and would support schools to achieve better attainment, the Council would continue to strive for fairer funding for Worcestershire schools. 


(c)        In response to questions posed, the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Children and Families stated that under the current funding arrangements, unless additional funding was identified by government, any increases for low funded authorities would need to be funded by corresponding decreases in well-funded authorities.  Any changes to funding arrangements following a national fair funding formula would need to be implemented incrementally.  She had faith that headteachers and governing bodies would not be actively seeking to underachieve levels of attainment in English or Maths as a method to increase funding levels, although acknowledged such a situation could appear as a perverse incentive.  The decision not to include a factor within the formula for looked after children was made due to the fact that schools already received funding for LAC through the LAC Pupil Premium.  The Head of Finance and Resources (Children's Services) clarified that the sparsity factor could be fixed or variable, with the variable amount being a tapered amount related to school size, providing it met the criteria for distance between schools.




(a)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1624.


Transfer of Kingsford Forest Park to the National Trust (Agenda item 6) pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report proposing the transfer of the freehold of Kingsford Forest Park to the National Trust whilst securing public access to the Park and protecting the special characteristics in perpetuity.  The report set out the details considered by the Cabinet and the reasons for the decision.  The proposal would contribute towards the Countryside Service FutureFit savings target and was in furtherance of recommendations arising from the Countryside Service Commissioning Review.  It was also in accordance with the Council's Operating Model.  The transfer would be subject to a number of terms and conditions.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:


(a)        A soft marketing exercise had taken place and the National Trust was the only organisation to meet the required criteria


(b)        The annual on-going cost to the Council of Kingsford Country Park was just under £30,000, which would be a saving after the transfer of all liabilities to the National Trust.  The land was valued at £75,000 and would be gifted to the National Trust in return for taking over responsibility


(c)        Clarification was provided by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services that, under the proposed terms and conditions, the National Trust would maintain free public access to the Park in perpetuity.  Free car parking would remain for three years, and then be reviewable by the National Trust


(d)        The timber yard would be disposed of separately to the current leaseholder at market value


(e)        The proposal was an example of how working with partners to transfer a Council asset could maintain a local amenity and keep open green spaces available to the public to enjoy whilst providing a saving to the budget


(f)        A member in attendance stated that the loss of the Forest Park was akin to selling the family silver and expressed concern that after three years car parking charges could be in place, thus discriminating against those who would not be in a position to pay.  The transfer of the asset was not on a partnership basis but was full and final


(g)        A Cabinet Member responded that the proposal to transfer the Forest Park was great news for the county's residents.  It was not correct to suggest that there would be charges to enter the Park.  Access would be free and also there would not be any restrictions within the open space due to the prevalence of public bridleways and footpaths which were free at the point of use.  Car park charges would be a matter for the National Trust after three years, but he believed there was alternative parking available.  By transferring the asset to a trusted organisation the Council reduced its ongoing revenue liability, the savings from which would help maintain support for the vulnerable.




(a)        the transfer of the freehold of Kingsford Park to the National Trust be approved; and


(b)       the authority to negotiate and agree the detailed terms and conditions of the transfer is delegated to the Director of Business, Environment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1625.


Resources Report (Agenda item 7)

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report which set out the details considered by it and the reasons for the decision including:


·         the identification of a forecast year end financial position for 2014/15 of an overspend of £0.5m.  The most significant financial challenge for 2014/15 continued to be Children's Services placements

·         an update on the current financial year's forecast BOLD savings programme which confirmed that £30.5m was expected to be achieved this year, with risks arising on £1.4m of projects

·         details of capital expenditure for the first five months of the year which was generally in line with forecast expenditure profiles

·         an update on the Digital Strategy and Local Welfare Provision Grant.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:


(a)        It was confirmed that the Council was broadly on track to deliver services in line with the agreed budget both in relation to revenue and capital spend


(b)        The genuine budgetary pressures within the Children's Services Directorate was acknowledged and it was proposed that £1.5m be transferred to support a range of activities to address the financial pressures being experienced within the Looked After Children's budget


(c)        The Local Welfare Provision Grant, which was being administered by District Council partners through grant passed on by the County Council, was currently being reviewed by Government.  The recommendations gave maximum flexibility to respond to circumstances


(d)        Confirmation was given that it was the aim of Children's Services to reduce the submission process of the Early Help Notification form from 1 hour 35 minutes to 1 minute.  This example provided an illustration of genuine transformational action.




(a)     that the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Finance's conclusions concerning revenue budget monitoring up to 31 August 2014 be endorsed;


(b)     that current progress regarding the FutureFit programme be endorsed;


(c)     that the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Finance's  conclusions concerning capital budget monitoring up to 31 August 2014 be endorsed;


(d)     TO RECOMMEND Council to approve the updated Capital Programme and cash limits as set out in the attached Appendix to the report;


(e)     that the progress made to implement the Council's Digital Strategy is endorsed;


(f)      that £1.5 million is transferred to a Looked After Children (LAC) transformation Reserve from the release of accruals in the balance sheet to support a range of time limited activities to address the financial pressures that are being experienced within the existing £25.4 million LAC budget over the medium term financial plan;


(g)     that it is noted that although central Government had previously indicated that the Local Welfare Provision Grant will cease at 31 March 2015 (which means that local agreements to flow these funds to District Councils will also cease at this point) it is reviewing its position; and


(h)     that delegated authority is given accordingly to the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Finance and the Chief Executive, to agree arrangements with District Councils as appropriate if the Government does not cease funding the Local Welfare Provision Grant  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1626.