Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance and In-Year Budget Monitoring


The Board was asked to consider the feedback provided by Scrutiny Panel Chairmen following the discussion of Quarter 1 (April - June 2019) performance monitoring information and budget monitoring information and determine whether any further information or Scrutiny on a particular topic was required.


The Board was reminded that performance and financial monitoring was part of the Scrutiny Panels’ role in maintaining oversight of service provision and a key role for Scrutiny.  As previously agreed Scrutiny Panels would carry out quarterly performance and financial monitoring, and then report to the Board by exception any areas of concern or suggestions for further Scrutiny.


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC)


Whilst acknowledging the role of HOSC in scrutinising local health bodies, it was agreed that in future quarters, HOSC would look the performance of Public Health and financial monitoring of the Public Health Ring-Fenced Grant (PHRFG).


Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Chairman of the Panel reported that the Director of Resources for Worcestershire Children First (WCF) had reassured her that the same level of reporting could be expected for Children’s Services when it transferred to WCF with effect from 1 October as had been provided when the services had been delivered in-house. 


The focus for the Panel going forward would be on the areas that Ofsted had identified in its recent inspection as needing to improve.


With reference to the Dedicated School Grant, the High Needs shortfall remained something the County Council had in common with other local authorities.  Work was ongoing with the Schools Forum on this.  The Government had recently announced an additional £700m would be available to local authorities but this only covered one year.  The Council would continue to lobby on this through the Society of County Treasurers.


It was suggested that some of the PI’s relating to looked after children were also being reviewed by the Corporate Parenting Board and consideration should be given to ensuring each body had relevant oversight to its remit.


Adult Care and Well-being Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Chairman of the Panel reported that the revenue budget for Adult Services was currently predicting a £3.3m forecast overspend for 2019/20 which was 2.4% of the c£136m Adult Social Care net budget. The primary reason for the overspend related to Older Peoples Residential and Nursing Care activity and cost pressures (£2.8m) and one off pressures.


Corporate and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel


The Chairman of the Panel had given apologies but provided an update which was read out at the meeting:


·         The Head of Finance reported that the financial position for this Panel for Quarter 1 was showing a positive and improving position. There were a few areas of minor underspend, including savings achieved on the Place Partnership Limited contract and Quarter 2 was on track at the present time.

·         The Panel was advised that on the Period 3 outturn forecast ‘content and communications’ related to some one-off work around professional advice in respect of children’s services complaints.

·         In terms of the Communities budget, there were no significant forecasted variances to report. The libraries savings were on track to be delivered.

·         Performance on death and still birth registrations were showing consistent concern and a deep dive was requested by the Panel for November’s meeting to understand fully the issues and strategy for solution.

·         Other areas highlighted were complaints and further monitoring.


Overall, there was praise for the consistent performance and well-managed budget with registered concern on death registrations and complaints which have triggered a deep dive.


It was agreed for future meetings that Scrutiny Panel Chairmen should provide a written summary of the Performance and In-year Budget Monitoring for inclusion in the OSPB Agenda dispatch.

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