Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Notices of Motion - Notice of Motion 5 - Cross-country Train service to Bromsgrove Railway Station (Agenda item 8)


The Council had before it a Notice of Motion standing in the names of Mr C J Bloore, Mr R C Lunn, Ms P A Hill, Mr R M Udall and Mr P M McDonald:


"Council recognises the concerning news that despite the large investment into Bromsgrove Railway Station, Cross-country Trains have put forward proposals to axe four long distance trains servicing Bromsgrove Railway Station.


Council asks the Leader and Chief Executive to write to Cross-county Trains on behalf of this Council to urge them to reconsider these damaging proposals"


The Council agreed to consider and deal with the Motion on the day.


An amendment was then suggested by Dr K Pollock and adopted by the Mover and Seconder.


In the ensuing debate, the following principal points were raised:


·         Cross Country Trains were proposing to remove four long distance trains services from Bromsgrove Railway Station. A considerable amount of money had been invested in the station and the Council should be looking to expand train services at this station, not reduce them

·         The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Skills and Economy indicated that train service provision was an evolving situation. The amendment to the Motion asked the Chief Executive to write to all train operators to get the very best service for all current and potential train users. The franchise to run the commuting services for the West Midlands was currently out to tender. The specification in the invitation to tender greatly increased the quality of the service for all the people using Bromsgrove Station. It therefore put into perspective the existing very limited use of the Cross Country Train service at the station. Bromsgrove Station was unique in that often passengers were left on the platform because all the carriages were full. The current franchisee did not intend to add any carriages to trains stopping at the station until the line was electrified in early 2018. He would ensure that the tender requirements of the new franchise were fulfilled and Bromsgrove Station received a better service in the future 

·         The level of use of the Cross Country Train Service at Bromsgrove Train Station quoted by the Cabinet Member, was disputed. It was vital to fight against any decision to remove train services because once they were cancelled by the operator, they would not be re-instated         

·         The letter from the Chief Executive to Cross Country Trains should emphasise the importance of the provision of the cross-country rail link at Bromsgrove Station because of the potential impact on the services for Worcestershire as a whole. It should also impress the importance of the rail links between the north and south of the county

·         It was important to receive information from members and residents about what train services they required to be delivered in the county. It was also vital to ensure that whatever service was provided was properly advertised to ensure everyone was aware of the services available to them.


The Motion as altered received general support and the Council RESOLVED:


"Council recognises the news that, despite the large investment into Bromsgrove Railway Station, Cross Country Trains have put forward proposals to axe four long distance trains servicing Bromsgrove Railway Station.


Council asks the Leader and Chief Executive to write to Cross Country Trains, and all other current and potential train operators servicing Bromsgrove Station, and the other stations in the County, to seek to ensure that their timetables provide the optimal service for all current and potential rail users."