Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road Dualling (SLR Dualling) - Final Phases (Agenda item 10)


The Cabinet considered the report on the final phases of the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road dualling. The details were set out in the report.


In the ensuing discussion the following main points were made:


·         The Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure introduced the report and commented that the purpose was to enable the Council to be in a position to react rapidly to the anticipated support from the Government in the summer for Phase 4 of the dualling of the Southern Link Road. There was a need for a contribution from the revenue budget. It was anticipated that subject to the appropriate land acquisition, the construction would be completed in 4 years time


·         Completing Phase 4 was vital given the amount of housing proposed to be built as part of the South Worcestershire Development Plan. It was acknowledged that there would be disruption, delay and annoyance in the short term for long term gain


·         A member from outside the Cabinet expressed concern about the disruption to local residents in St Johns, Worcester over an eight year period for the work on the Southern Link Road and requested the completion of the orbital route


·         A local councillor requested that a visual display be made available to show the traffic flow at the bridge over Crookberrow Way would operate. The Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure acknowledged that there would be delay and disruption. The Council could also have better communicated how the traffic flow would work and what it would look like and visuals were prepared. It was a challenged project to create a second railway bridge alongside the existing bridge in seven days, the maximum time allowed by Network Rail


·         A member from outside the Cabinet queried the challenging way in which the project included the expansion of the existing causeway rather than creating an additional causeway


·         The Leader of the Council indicated that this was an ambitious project and a compelling case had been put to the Government for resources in advance of the closing date for submissions. The Minister had indicated that a response would be received ahead of the summer recess. There were many technical challenges but these were for our contractors. The Director of Environment and Infrastructure added that the final phases of the scheme would mostly be built off-line including the railway bridge. The Ketch Roundabout had been built in anticipation of the new bridge alinement. All these aspects would keep disruption to a minimum during the final phases of the project. Members would be briefed accordingly on the build up to the project going live.




(a)          the physical progress made on the SLR Dualling to date, and the continuing exploratory and preparatory work which is necessary to bring Phase 3c (Whittington to Norton - new railway bridge and new footbridge) and Phase 4 (Ketch to Powick including new bridge parallel to Carrington Bridge) (the Final Phases) of  SLR Dualling to implementation, be noted;


(b)          the financial position in the February 2017 Cabinet Budget Report regarding the Final Phases be noted;


(c)          subject to the receipt of all necessary consents and approvals the implementation of the Final Phases of SLR Dualling be approved subject to the approval of funding as noted by recommendation b) above;


(d)          the decision to award contracts for the Final Phases of SLR Dualling be delegated to the Director of Economy and Infrastructure in consultation with Chief Financial Officer and the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure;


(e)          the submission of a planning application for Phase 4 of SLR Dualling be approved as well as applications for other relevant consents, including those relating to environment, utilities and rail, by the Council or by the relevant successful contractor as agent for the Council as Highway Authority;


(f)           Authorises the acquisition of the land required for Phase 4 shown coloured pink and the rights over the land coloured blue on the attached plan (together the Land) including the making of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO) in case it is not possible to acquire the land by negotiation;


(g)          the submission of an Outline Business Case (OBC) to the Department for Transport in relation to SLR Phase 4, pursuant to the WEBTAG process for the approval of major highways infrastructure schemes be approved; and


(h)          any public engagement necessary to inform residents about the proposals for the Final Phases and to respond to any concerns raised be authorised.


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