Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Worcestershire Parkway Regional Interchange (Agenda item 6)


The Cabinet considered the delivery and funding of the Worcestershire Parkway Regional Interchange Railway Station. The details were set out in the report.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:


·         The Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure introduced the report and commented that this was an impartial initiative to promote links in and out of the county, and increased employment. There had been a problem with the acquisition of the land, which had required a compulsory purchase order, had now been resolved. However the projected start date of the scheme had had to be put back until March 2018. The project was being financed through a number of different sources including the Local Enterprise Partnership. It was anticipated that income would be sourced from the use of the car park by the train operating companies. The Council would charge a fixed rate to these companies for the use of the car park. The advantage of this arrangement was that it would encourage the operating companies to promote the use of the station and increase income 

·         The Leader of the Council underlined the importance of the project for the whole of the county and it was particularly welcomed by the business community. The difference in journey times would be significant particularly for cross-country journeys. 




a)    the delivery of the Worcestershire Parkway Regional Interchange Railway Station as shown on the attached plan be approved (Appendix 1) at an anticipated final cost not exceeding that set out in the attached Finance Report (Appendix 2);


b)    funding the scheme through funds allocated by Worcestershire Local Transport Board, borrowing and existing resources as set out in the attached Finance Report be approved (Appendix 2);


c)    the exempt Finance Report be noted (Appendix 2) and the virement proposed therein be agreed (and the Director of Economy and Infrastructure be authorised in consultation with the Leader to finalise the source of the virement from within existing resources) and Council be recommended to approve the addition to the Capital Programme set out in that Finance Report  and that the capital cash limits are updated accordingly;


d)    the Finance Report be endorsed (Appendix 2) and that the scheme can be funded from a combination of external grant funding, capital funding and from the income received through fares and car park charges be noted;


e)    the decision on the award of a Design and Build contract and any enabling work contracts that are necessary for the delivery of the scheme be delegated to the Director of Economy and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Skills and Infrastructure; and


f)     the proposed commercial agreements with the rail industry set out in Appendices 2 and 3 be noted, and the negotiation of all final terms and conditions necessary to complete the scheme be delegated to the Director of Economy and Infrastructure in consultation with the Director of Commercial and Change where appropriate, and authorisation to the Director of Commercial and Change to dispose of land including assets at an undervalue where considered appropriate to do so and in accordance with s.123 Local Government Act 1972.

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