Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Health Improvement Group


Frances Howie explained that the HIG met regularly and had good support from its members however the HWB were asked to consider whether or not the representatives from their individual organisations were the right ones. The Board was asked to remember that the impact on outcomes of the activity being undertaken would only be evident in the longer term. The Board had asked for increased oversight of the work of the Home Improvement agency and public health would now be represented on their management Board, following a discussion at the HIG.


Gerry O'Donnell, Wychavon Cabinet Member for Health and Well-being and representative of the South Worcestershire District Councils on the HWB gave a presentation stating 'District Councils had a key role to play in keeping communities safe and healthy.' Their core functions had an impact on health although planning and housing did not yet link closely enough with health.


He gave details of how Wychavon District Council were tackling the priorities of Older people and the management of long term conditions; obesity; mental health and well-being; alcohol and health inequalities.


Tackling obesity or increasing physical activity was an area where the districts were taking action. Prevention was a main part of their strategy and implementing sport and leisure activities were important and leisure providers were being encouraged to promote the health benefits of their services. However it had been noted that there were not enough measures of success or outcomes in the contracts awarded by District Councils.


A mental health champions project had just commenced to help 11-21 year olds and highlight mental health in education. Various campaigns were running around alcohol but it was an area the HIG needed to revisit. Various projects were also running to address health inequalities such as the Droitwich Foodbank and Westlands Health and Wellbeing Forum.


A number of the HWB priorities were linked to Wychavon priorities but some areas such as homelessness and rurality were priorities under the Wychavon plan but not for the HWB.


Gerry felt that Partnership activity was really successful with achievements in Ageing Well and Obesity but more needed to be done in mental health and alcohol. He felt district Health Improvement Co-ordinators were critical to success. The district plans had been well received by partners at the HIG and demonstrated that the HWB priorities were supported and delivered in the localities.


The Chairman confirmed that the HIG met regularly and was well attended.


Board members asked if there were specific prevention areas that the HIG wished to feed into the STP before June.


In response to a query it was clarified that the HIG did not look at specific hotspots for road traffic accidents but county data was available


The list of actions in the agenda under the Obesity Plan were generally local actions that contributed to the plan. The Change for Life campaign had national recognition and funding, so it was sensible to use their materials. Locally the eating well on a budget scheme which used a train the trainer approach was proving successful.


It was suggested that as the STP was countywide could it be used as an opportunity for further joint working across the districts and scaling up some existing projects.


RESOLVED that the Health and Well-being Board:

a)    Considered and commented on progress made between December 2015-March 2016; and

b)    Requested that the Health Improvement Group Bi-Annual report be presented to the Board in September 2016.

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