Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance and Planning Report - 1st Quarter (Agenda item 8)


The Joint Committee considered the performance and planning information provided for the 1st quarter 2015-16.


In the ensuing debate, the following principal points were raised:


·         The Museums General Manager highlighted two key targets in the Service Plan that had received a red RAG rating: the development of services for schools; and the staffing structure at the Museum and Art Gallery (MAG).  DCA consultants had been asked to look at the possibility of developing services for schools at the Commandery prior to its re-opening. In relation to the staffing structure at the MAG, work was in progress to develop a closer working relationship with facilities management at the City Council  

·         Did the revised performance indicators match up with the City Council's Corporate Plan priorities? The Corporate Director – Service Delivery (Worcester City Council) commented that they did match up but further work was required to be done to link the level of detail in the performance indicators with the targets in the Corporate Plan 

·         Concern was expressed that there was a breakdown in communication over the re-launch of the Commandery between the Museums Service and the project officers responsible for the development of the Cathedral Quarter. The Corporate Director – Service Delivery (Worcester City Council) indicated that there were inconsistencies between the proposals for the Commandery, the Cathedral Quarter and the Worcester Porcelain works. She would liaise with the Head of Community and Environment (Worcestershire County Council) to address these issues with the relevant project officers

·         In response to a query, the Museums General Manager explained that the objective for the development of services to schools related to the need to ensure that teachers were provided with everything they needed to undertake a school visit to the Commandery, eg. breakout areas and lunch facilities

·         Had service provision at the Commandery been linked to the curriculum for schools? The Museums General Manager explained that the focus of the offer at the Commandery had been on the English Civil War rather than the school curriculum. This would be reinforced as part of the new plans for the building.  It was hoped that over the summer, other parts of the building would be looked at to address the curriculum requirements.  The Corporate Director – Service Delivery (Worcester City Council) added that this was an issue specific to the Commandery as other sites did have signposts to the curriculum. The Museums General Manager added that due to restrictions on space, a loan service had been introduced for schools to help facilitate the curriculum

·         The total number of enquiries for the first quarter had reduced from 204 last year to 39 for this year. The Museums General Manager explained that the figures did not include the number of enquiries at the Museum and Art Gallery which had yet to be confirmed

·         Did the valuation of the City Council oil paintings relate to those held at the Guildhall and the MAG? The Museums General Manager stated that the valuation had been undertaken for insurance purposes and related only to the museums service paintings not those maintained by the City Council

·         Was there a possibility of rotating the display of oil paintings at the Guildhall so that they were displayed to the public on a more frequent basis? The Museums General Manager stated that a new performance indicator target for museums would be introduced to ensure that the paintings did get seen by the public. The Corporate Director – Service Delivery (Worcester City Council) added that the problem was that the paintings at the Guildhall had not been curated to the same standard as the MAG or the Commandery.  She was arranging a meeting with the Museums General Manager and facilities management at the Guildhall to discuss a way forward for their curation

·         The only other risk in the Service plan appeared to be related to the closure of the Commandery on Mondays. The Museums General Manager explained that this objective had been agreed prior to the receipt of additional funding for the Commandery. A review of this objective would be undertaken next year however such closures might be beneficial in the short term to enable officers to proceed with changes to the building.


RESOLVED that the performance and planning information provided for the 1st quarter 2015-16 be noted.

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