Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance Monitoring

(Indicative timing: 11.15 – 11.35am)


The Panel received an update on performance information relating to Education and SEND.  By way of introduction, the Director of Early Help, Children in Need and the Family Front Door made the following main points:


·      Although the Director of Education and Early Help and the Director of All Age Disability had been unable to attend, where relevant they would provide answers to questions following the meeting.

·      Following a request at a previous Panel meeting, schools’ performance in relation to Ofsted inspections was now shown separately for academies and maintained schools.

·      Levels of school attendance continued to improve following the Covid pandemic.

·      The number of children missing education had increased significantly due to better reporting mechanisms giving a more accurate picture.

·      The large increase in the number of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) was typical of the September picture.  This figure would decline once post-school destinations for 16-year-olds were confirmed.


Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and the following main points were raised:


·      A Member requested more detail be provided on the new reporting system for children missing education to further explain the increase.

·      It was suggested that levels of school attendance were still quite low and further details were requested on what was being done to improve the situation.

·      The Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education pointed out that, in relation to young people who were NEET, the figures for looked after children were concerning.  Although Worcestershire’s figures were good in relation to national data, they were still not good enough.

·      She went on to note that for young people who were looked after, remaining in their placement for a longer period post-16 was a real advantage in determining whether or not they would become NEET.

·      It was noted that the number of children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) had increased in Q2.  A Member of the Panel requested details on the analysis of why this was the case.

·      The continued unavailability of the Trust’s electronic patient record system (Carenotes) was noted.  Members were concerned about the impact this might have on the Council’s ability to meet statutory deadlines and requested further information on the situation, including when the system might be available again and how many EHCPs had been effected.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that this issue had been raised with the Trust.

·      In relation to NEETs, further information was requested on whether the fall in numbers from Q1 to Q2 was usual and whether the figure was expected to rise throughout the year.

·      The Cabinet Member outlined actions taken to increase the capacity of Educational Psychologists (EPs).  Although there was a shortage of EPs nationally, junior EPs were being recruited to undertake preparatory work, allowing more senior colleagues to take cases forward.

·      In relation to children missing education, it was confirmed that new statutory guidance would come into effect from September 2023.


It was agreed that the Chairman would write to the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education to confirm the Panel’s concerns about the lack of availability of Carenotes and the impact of this on Worcestershire Children First’s ability to make decisions within statutory timescales and the subsequent delays for children and young people and their families.


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