Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report


Adam Johnston gave an overview of the Annual Report, explaining that the report and the associated films were available in the agenda. The annual report had been produced after considering the pledges to looked after children and care leavers and it was hoped that it could be used as a tool to promote champion leads and CPB aspirations for young people in the various arenas and environments CPB members attend.


Some points which were emphasised included;

·       it was WCF’s aim that all in children in care received a family caring experience and secure a kinship care placement where possible, as they were generally more stable

·       Permanency was always the aim and the figure of 31% permanency achieved within 12 months compared well to the national average and previous years’ performance

·       Worcestershire Children First Fostering, after receiving a ‘requires improvement’ rating in September 2021 were making good progress with their improvement plan

·       Contact with care leavers was good and the Local Offer was considered comprehensive

·       Areas for further focus included retaining and recruiting foster carers, and the rising number of young people in residential care

·       There needed to be clearer information available about what mental health services were available to looked after children and care leavers and the ability to access such support in a timely manner. The Connect scheme was being developed to combat social isolation.


In the following discussion various questions were answered:


In response to a query about whether the quality of information which moved with a child could be responsible for placement breakdowns, it was explained that the stability figures which gave the numbers of placements included moves which were planned. It was only when the numbers of placements were higher than 3 there was some concern. Each looked after child would have a pen picture which gave details about the child and this needed to be positive but as accurate as possible. Consolidation meetings which worked to help keep placements successful and reduce the need for new placements were 66% successful. A crisis placement was also being developed, using Department for Education funding, to be used rather than having to place children in unregulated placements.


When asked how WCF could be confident that kinship placements did not allow children to have contact with unsuitable people the Board were reassured that there were checks made on kinship carers and as a child social worker and kinship fostering social worker would be involved in each case there were two people making checks. Checks were also made by speaking directly to the child. If a potential kinship carer did not fully appreciate the risks from the unsuitable person, the placement would not go ahead.


Each social work assessment looked at pressures caused by cost of living pressures as part of the normal assessments which looked at financial issues. The Supporting Family First team employed money mentors as it was understood that financial pressures can increase pressures in other areas of family life. Assessments looked at helping people to look for work opportunities and apply for benefits and there was some funding available to help families with particular financial issues.



Supporting documents: