Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Performance and In-Year Budget Monitoring


In-Year Budget Monitoring


The Head of Finance advised the Panel that as at the end of Quarter 3 (October- December 2021) there was an improving financial position with a £52k underspend compared with £183k overspend at the end of Quarter 2.


There were a number of key variances which were due to a forecast:


·       Overspend in Transport Planning and Strategic Planning (part of Planning and Regulation) due to a reduction in expected levels of capitalisation and impact of contractor staff costs to cover hard to recruit vacancies

·       Underspend in Street Lighting due to reduction in energy costs following conversion to LED lighting

·       Underspend on Business Management due to holding vacant posts..


The Economy and Infrastructure Directorate had a savings target of £1.3m from 2020/21 and capitalisation targets of £2m to deliver this year.  It was currently forecast that the majority of this would be delivered and where there were risks to delivery, alternative compensatory efficiencies and income generation had been identified.


There was a total capital programme of c£150m this financial year.


The Chairman commented that he was very pleased with the budgetary position.


During the opportunity for questions, the following main points were made:


·       It was noted that the 2022/23 Budget Book should be available in summary format within 2 weeks.

·       The Assistant Director reassured the Panel that the staff vacancies held over during the Covid-19 pandemic would be filled as services were now starting to return to normal levels.

·       It was confirmed that Infrastructure Asset Management was now part of Major Projects.

·       The Head of Finance was content with the capitalisation of the Major Projects Staffing Budget and advised the Panel that each position was rigorously scrutinised and that there were checks and balances in place.


Performance Monitoring


The Management Information Analyst introduced the report drawing the Panel’s attention to the areas of success and challenges.


During the opportunity for questions, the following main points were made:


·       In response to a Member query, it was agreed that the Panel would be provided with a graph that detailed the % of each category of domestic waste to make-up 100%.

·       In terms of reducing the amount of waste per head, it was confirmed that the Council had good working relationships with all of its district councils and collaborated on initiatives and campaigns relating to waste reduction, but there was always more that could be done.

·       A Member expressed concern about residents being turned away from the household recycling centres if making repeated trips to dispose of waste as staff may be suspicious that they were disposing of commercial rather than domestic waste, which in turn would lead to increased fly-tipping.  The Cabinet Member with Responsibility for the Environment agreed to look into this matter.

·       A Member suggested that consideration should be given to providing incentives to residents to encourage appropriate recycling.  The Assistant Director for Economy, Major Projects and Waste suggested that through school children was often a good method for passing on messages.  The Panel comments would be fed back.

·       In December 2021, Worcestershire’s employment rate was 79.10% (England 74.9%), a Member queried how this rate could be improved. The Assistant Director for Economy, Major Projects and Waste explained that the Council was working on a number of initiatives with local businesses and schools to promote apprenticeships but progress would take time.

·       As at December 2021, 97.83% of residents were connected to superfast broadband, although this rate was good, a Member was concerned about the number of residents who did not have the connectivity.  Councillors were advised that if there were cases in their areas to contact the Broadband Team.

·       Members of the Panel had an ongoing concern about the accuracy of the data provided in respect of the % of potholes fixed on time which was always reported to be 100%.  The Assistant Director for Highways and Transport Operations advised that when the Panel carried out a site visit to Lydiate Ash, a detailed explanation would be provided which would hopefully allay concerns.

·       A Member suggested that the economic growth data relating to working-age adults in employment would be more meaningful if it was split down into categories. It was agreed that Councillors Muir and Nielson would work with the Management Information Analyst to identify the quality of jobs in Worcestershire and trends for eg for SME, PAYE, self-employed etc.

·       A Member highlighted that councillors were often unaware of the progress or closure of outstanding public rights of way (PROWS) and public enquiries (PEMS) reports without driving around to check and it would be helpful if updates could be made easily accessible to councillors.  The Assistant Director for Highways and Transport Operations suggested that a number of the reports were business as usually and would automatically be dealt with but acknowledged that it would be helpful to councillors to be able to check on progress for example through the Member Portal and would consider how best to achieve this.

·       It was noted that 69.9% of rail journeys from Worcester were on time and although the Council didn’t have a specific responsibility for this, feedback to West Midlands Rail Services was provided to improve this.

·       In response to a Member suggestion that unclassified roads on the  ‘Conditions of Roads and Footways (CVI)’ data chart were deteriorating, it was agreed that the 2021/22 data would be provided to the May Panel meeting.


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