Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Safer Communities Board


Tim Rice summarised the set-up of the Safer Communities Board (SCB) and explained that it complemented the Statutory Community Safety Partnerships in the North and South of the County. It was made up of ‘Responsible Authorities’ who must do all that they reasonably could to prevent crime and disorder, and there were a number of sub-groups which concentrated on different areas of activity. Strong partnership arrangements were important in this area of work and cooperation was taking place on various action plans and strategies such as the multi-agency needs assessment on the mental health commissioning responsibilities for victims of sexual violence. In future there would be a return to the meetings of the Safeguarding and Health and Wellbeing Board Chairs to look at cross cutting issues, which had stopped due to the pandemic.


The SCB worked with the Public Health analytical team on community safety areas of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and work was ongoing with the Police to improve data and analysis relating to domestic abuse. With the implementation of the ICS, it was anticipated that enhanced cooperation would take place.


Various comments were made by Board Members:

·       When suggested that it should be possible for more prevention work to take place in regard to the numbers of children who had died due to domestic abuse, it was replied that various programmes were in place with Get Safe and the Drive Programme with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and that it was the responsibility of all to help to identify and reduce the numbers of perpetrators. It was felt that predictive modelling should make it possible, in some cases, to identify individuals who may become perpetrators,

·       A Member reported that the Prevent training had been good and showed that it was relevant to everyone. It was suggested that after the next County elections the training should be mandatory for all new Councillors,

·       It was hoped that the new Drug and Alcohol Policy would be considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board,

·       Risks which were increasing varied regionally and locally, for example domestic abuse had seen some spikes in other areas and was now beginning to rise in Worcestershire,

·       Worcestershire Children First was carrying out targeted preventative work and working to understand associated outcomes. Projects such as the Get Safe and Boys to Men were happening, but more targeted work was needed. It was recognised that substance misuse and mental health issues were major risk factors in parents not being able to safely care for their children. Worcestershire Families Safeguarding and Supporting Families First were multi-disciplinary services which had been receiving funding through the business rates pilot, but it was hoped would become a normal part of Worcestershire Children First services in future,

·       Herefordshire HWB was also looking at preventative work based on identifying people who were at risk from the ‘toxic trio’ of mental health, substance misuse and domestic violence. It was suggested that the two counties could consider working together on a strategy.


RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board:

a)     Noted the content of the report, aimed at highlighting the role of the Worcestershire Safer Communities Board, updating on current activity and key areas of focus for all partners; and

b)    Continued to support the work of the Safer Communities Board, both collectively and as individual agencies.

Supporting documents: