Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Learning Disability Progress Report and Strategy


The Co-Chairs of the Learning Disability Partnership Board, Tim Holman and Richard Keble gave a presentation about the annual learning disability Self-Assessment Framework (SAF), the learning disability strategy and expert members and family carers' feedback.


The following main points were made:


·         The SAF had gone well and had improved from last year. Peer reviewers were positive about progress and impressed with the new Learning Disabilities Strategy.

·         Worcestershire had scored itself quite harshly in the SAF; co-production was red due to not enough involvement in all the planning areas.

·         The Strategy had been developed through the Partnership Board.

·         A joint position statement with children had been developed to ensure there were good joined up plans for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, parents and family carers. Collaborative working was continuing between adults' and children's services although an all age Strategy was not currently possible because of wide differences in legislation.

·         People with a learning disability and family cares were involved in planning services to ensure reasonable adjustments were made to improve access to universal services.

·         People with a learning disability and family carers were listened to through the Partnership Board and sub-groups. A range of partners and the CCGs had also fed in comments.

·         A quality impact assessment had been completed on the Strategy.


Expert Members said that they were pleased to be able to have a say at the Partnership Board and sub-groups and noted that Expert Members Co-Chaired these meetings. They also noted that:


  • The Learning Disability Strategy promised co-production and the challenge would be to make sure that happened,
  • Information would need to be accessible and although more materials were being put into Easy Read this did not always happen,
  • They hoped the pledges made at the Peoples Parliament on Future Lives and the internet would be properly fulfilled.


Ray Eades said that carers were pleased with the strategy. The layout of the document meant that it was interesting to read. They were looking forward to the next stage which was the production of an action plan. He wished to particularly thank Sharon Paterson who had worked very hard on the document and looked forward to seeing that standard of work and co-operation in the future.


Board members were pleased to see how far the Strategy had progressed and how co-production had been demonstrated.


Following a query about out of county placements it was clarified that:


  • Most adult social care placements were actually close to the county borders and were constantly being assessed to see if they could be transferred to Supported Living facilities.
  • There were currently 6 hospital placements, 3 of which were due to be discharged imminently. That meant Worcestershire had one of the lowest numbers of people in hospital placements.


RESOLVED that the Health and Well-being Board:


a)    Noted the comments raised by Expert Members with a Learning Disability and Family Carers,


b)    Agreed to formally respond to the key issues raised by Expert Members with a Learning Disability and Family Carers as set out in paragraphs 8-14 of Appendix 3.


c)    Noted the Self-Assessment Framework submission on behalf of Worcestershire and requested that an Action Plan to address the 'Red' categories be developed and reported to the LDPB


d)    Approved the draft Adults Learning Disability Strategy, and


e)    Approved the joint position statement of children's and adults' in respect of support for people with learning disabilities.

Supporting documents: