Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Notices of Motion - Notice of Motion 2 - Library Service (Agenda item 10)


The Council had before it a Notice of Motion set out in the agenda papers standing in the names of Mr R C Lunn, Ms C M Stalker, and Ms P Agar.


The motion was moved by Mr R C Lunn and seconded by Mr L C R Mallett who both spoke in favour of it, and Council agreed to deal with it on the day.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:


·         The motion provided an opportunity for the Council to express its gratitude for the work undertaken by library staff to keep the service functioning during the pandemic and to reimagine how the service could operate post pandemic. Libraries had always been and must remain a safe place for children and adults to visit which was why there should always be a member on staff available on the premises. The library service should retain its core statutory functions but also recognise the importance of enhancing its community service function as a public leisure hub. This approach would help to keep smaller libraries in the county in operation. In the future, libraries could act as virtual hubs for home-working. Consideration might need to be given to undertaking a review of opening hours post pandemic, perhaps extending to opening hours to the weekend

·         Libraries made a huge economic contribution to communities in the county. Libraries helped children and young people with their education and personal development. Libraries facilitated adult education and improved skills which led to greater employability. They benefited users socially, mentally and increased digital inclusion

·         The Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Communities commented on behalf of the Conservative Group that libraries were thriving community facilities with a wide-range of service provision. A 24 hour digital service had been made available to all residents on line. It was hoped to reintroduce the mobile library service soon. She acknowledged the support provided by parish council and district council colleagues, particularly for libraries in St John’s, Warndon and Bromsgrove. A key function of the service was adult learning whether in person or on line. The Hive acted as a business and property centre and it was intended to roll out this service to all libraries. Libraries had remained open during the pandemic and provided particular support through IT and digital services. She thanked all the library staff for their work, particularly through the ‘Here to Help’ initiative

·         The library service should remain publicly owned, staffed by qualified librarians with strong links to the community. The move to self-service libraries should be resisted

·         It was appropriate that library premises were shared with commercial operators and to review opening times

·         Libraries provided a lifeline for people living alone

·         Research had demonstrated that in the long-term, library provision delivered a high rate of economic return on the initial investment

·         A new asset-based approach to library provision that aimed to prevent social isolation, improve health and equality and reduce the demands on the social care system was being rolled out in Bromsgrove. It would be used as an enabler to improve peoples’ skills and develop a community offer

·         The support provided by ‘pop up’ libraries to local residents during the pandemic was commended

·         Libraries were now more energy-efficient with improved lighting and heating.

·         Library staff were well-educated with a wide range of skills to help support the local community. The important work of library volunteers should also be acknowledged

·         The Council’s library service offer extended beyond its statutory duty with a hybrid approach to service provision

·         The Council should look to attract people to the library service who would not normally consider using or were unaware of its functions.


RESOLVED “This Council supports a publicly owned and accountable library service. We support them becoming ever more a centre of community and encourage their use as a local learning and public leisure facility,


Furthermore, Council records its thanks and appreciation to all Worcestershire Library employees and volunteers.”