Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Proposed retention of existing double mobile classroom building at Hanbury Church of England (CE) First School, Hanbury, Worcestershire (Agenda item 6)


The Committee considered an application under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1992 for the proposed retention of an existing double mobile classroom building at Hanbury Church of England (CE) First School, Hanbury, Worcestershire.


The report set out the background of the proposal, the proposal itself, the relevant planning policy and details of the site, consultations and representations.


The report set out the Head of Planning and Transport Planning’s comments in relation to the need for the modular building, Green Belt, landscape character and appearance and residential amenity, historic environment, traffic and highways safety, water environment, and ecology and biodiversity.


The Head of Planning and Transport Planning concluded that the proposal would meet the existing needs of the school for school places in the area. However, a condition was recommended to be imposed limiting planning permission to a period of 5 years, as the mobile classroom was a temporary structure which was not suitable for permeant retention. A 5-year period would enable the applicant to consider alternative options, whilst meeting the school’s current educational needs.


The Head of Planning and Transport Planning considered that very special circumstances had been demonstrated to justify this otherwise inappropriate development in the Green Belt. It was also considered that the proposed development would have no adverse or detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity or heritage assets due to its design, size and location. It was considered that the proposed development would not have any adverse traffic or highway safety impacts. Based upon the advice of the Lead Local Flood Authority and the County Ecologist, it was considered the proposal would have no adverse effects on the water environment or ecology and biodiversity at the site or in the surrounding area.


Taking in to account the provisions of the Development Plan and in particular Policy WCS 17 of the adopted Worcestershire Waste Core Strategy and Policies SWDP 1, SWDP 2, SWDP 4, SWDP 5, SWDP 6, SWDP 21, SWDP 22, SWDP 24, SWDP 25, SWDP 28, SWDP 29, SWDP 30, SWDP 31, SWDP 33 and SWDP 37 of the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan, it was considered the proposal would not cause demonstrable harm to the interests intended to be protected by these policies or highway safety.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:


·         It was disappointing that pupils had to continue to be taught in limiting conditions in a mobile classroom as the Council had failed to provide a permanent replacement. There was a concern that a similar situation would arise in 5-years time. Steve Wharrad from Place Partnership, acting on behalf of the applicant responded that the mobile classroom was needed to teach the national curriculum. He argued that modern mobiles were of a much higher standard than older models and were not detrimental to teaching. The Council realised that a permanent new build classroom would be required for the school to continue to meet the needs of the national curriculum but this needed to be part of the overall capital programme which took account availability of funding. It would also need the submission of an application for planning permission. A 5-year temporary permission would allow time for this work

·         It was clear from the permission granted for the temporary classroom in 2011 that the building was not seen as suitable for long-term use. It was debateable whether temporary buildings were suitable because previous experience indicated that they were poorly insulated, too hot, cold or noisy. It negatively impacted on those children who had to use the classroom. It was time that the Council replaced its temporary accommodation with permanent modern accommodation

·         Although this was inappropriate development in the Green Belt, the need for the accommodation had been demonstrated and therefore permission should be granted

·         Temporary classrooms were poorly insulated, had external access only, and were not environmentally-friendly. It was also not appropriate that the application for renewal was retrospective. This should be the last extension of temporary permission granted for this classroom

·         Was it possible to insist that a permanent building be in place before the end of the 5-year temporary permission? The representative of the Head of Planning and Transport Planning responded that proposed condition b) stipulated that the mobile classroom should be removed from the site by 31 December 2025. It was not possible to insist that the application submit an application for a permanent replacement. The Committee could only consider the application before it

·         At the behest of the Committee, the representative of the Head of Planning and Transport Planning undertook to write to the Director of Education and Early Help of Worcestershire Children First to express the Committee’s concern about the retrospective nature of the application, and requesting a permanent solution be sought at the site prior to the expiry of the planning permission on 31 December 2025.


RESOLVED thatplanning permission be granted for the proposed retention of an existing double mobile classroom building at Hanbury CE First School, Hanbury, Worcestershire, subject to the following conditions:


a)    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on submitted drawings numbered: 001 and 002;


b)   The mobile classroom as shown on the submitted drawing numbered: 001 shall be removed from the site by 31 December 2025; and


c)    The site should be restored in accordance with a scheme to be submitted for the approval of the County Planning Authority in writing within one month of the removal of the building.

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