Agendas, Meetings and Minutes - Agenda item

Agenda item

Carers' Strategy


Elaine Carolan and Carole Cumino, Chair of Worcestershire Carers’ Partnership spoke to the Board about the Carers’ Strategy. The contract with the Worcestershire Association of Carers was in its final year and a tendering exercise would be undertaken for next year. Activities over the last two years had helped to gain as much value out of the current contract value as possible, given that there was great pressure on funding.


Carole thanked Lucy for her comments about the support people with LD receive from their parents. The Parents of children with a learning disability have a lifetime of caring even though they may not think of themselves as carers. They have an important role both as a carer and often as an advocate for people who cannot speak for themselves. She welcomed the fact that there was an all age strategy but pointed out that more focus was needed on the transition points.


The partnership between various organisations such as the Department for Work and Pensions, and Health, with voluntary sector organisations and carers was welcomed and the services they offered provided value for money. The funding available to carers organisations was very tight but around 2,000 more carers were now being supported in the county for the same money.


Work was needed to ensure that services and funding were accessible to carers as they reported feeling as though they were having to fight the system to make things work. Safe, affordable and good quality replacement care was necessary and should be available with more than two weeks-notice. Also having supportive GP practices was important so that they work together with carers and allow carers to feel recognised.


It was clarified that:

·       The majority of money available for carers came from the Better Care Fund but money also received from Public Health and other parts of the system as the importance of carer’s wellbeing was recognised across the system

·       In the past, replacement care had included block purchased nursing home beds but there had been limited take up. The Council were now trying to find a balance between choice, location and availability. It was pointed out that the solution needed to consider self-funders as well as people who received Council Services. The Director of Adult Services agreed that there would be further discussions with the Carers Partnership

·       The Think Carers Programme from the STP was useful in raising awareness but the Carers’ Passport and Red Flag system needed to be rolled out to all carers

·       There were concerns about carers securing continuing healthcare funding for the person they were looking after. It was agreed that the Lead for the Continuing Healthcare system would be asked to work with the Carers Partnership to look at improving the process

·       One opinion was expressed that no young person should have to be a carer because the impact such responsibilities had on their lives was massive, however where young people already had caring responsibilities, their voices needed to be considered

·       Very few assessments had been carried out for young carers because the agency responsible was struggling to cope with increased numbers of young carers with the existing level of funding.

RESOLVED that the Health and Well-being Board noted that this was the fourth year of the Carers’ Strategy and noted the comments which had been made.





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